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Export data

ORBAT Mapper can export units and features to the following data formats:

Start the export process

To start the export process select Export scenario from the File menu.

Export menu


GeoJSON is a popular open standard format for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes.


ORBAT Mapper does not support a 3D view, but you kan export you scenario as KMZ and view your scenario in Google Earth.

Google earh



ORBAT Mapper has experimental support for exporting a scenario as MilX layers for use with


Please note that ORBAT Mapper only supports a small subset of the MilX format. A major compatability issues is that uses letter based MILSTD 2525C/APP6-C symbol codes. Conversion from 2525D/APP6-D to 2525C/APP6-C is not always possible. ORBAT mapper will try to find the closest matching symbol, but this process may fail.

Spatial Illusions ORBAT Builder

Released under the MIT License.